Wednesday, September 30, 2009

school; hurts!

Today: i woke up dreading the GHSWT, but it was easy and also boring. Then i got to 3rd block and dropped my bookbag on my left foot and that felt great; NOT! My foot and ankle is now swollen and hurts. Fourth block: I had to take a test that i wasn't prepared for (btw we got to use our study guides on the test; mine wasn't complete cause i wasnt there yesterday) and mrs. Mobley let me use the answer key study guide! I love mrs. Mobley; she is the best teacher, so sweet :) Now im eating a taco lunchables and drinking water. Yum! So to explain this picture to the right: i was on my way home and i was going down my driveway and just randomly took a picture of the trees (:
AshleyMagan (:

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